Iywand to Love god

My six-year-old daughter is learning to write and I recently found a note she’d written. It said, “Iywand to Love god” and underneath was a picture of a heart. It took me a few seconds to decipher what she wrote. She was saying, “I want to love God.”

Technically, there were mistakes in her writing, but I don’t think God looked at it with disappointment. I wasn’t concerned by her spelling because she had expressed a profound truth with heartfelt desire. It reminds me of the bold woman who cleaned Jesus’ feet with her hair. Or, think about David who danced shamelessly for the Lord in the street.

I was moved by my daughter’s devotion and I am challenged as I consider my own walk. Do I express my love for God like a child? Or, do I hold back my affection because of my perception of imperfection? Is the goal of my journey to speak more eloquently, get my words right, and become more spiritually sophisticated? Or, is it to grow in child-like faith that expresses my genuine, though imperfect, love for God?

My daughter’s note has answered that question for me!

As the Apostle Paul said, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” (Galatians 5:6).


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