Centering the Son

Are you thankful the sun is at the center of our solar system?

I certainly am and I don’t hear many people complaining! How often do you wish the sun would stop being so prominent and go away? Most people pay good money to vacation in places with a lot of sunlight. Not to mention, it provides us with warmth and light and allows life to flourish. Can you imagine a world without the sun?

Now, let me ask, are you glad that Jesus is at the center of the universe?

You may have thought longer about that question. Yet, whether you believe it or not, the implications for Jesus’ centrality are more significant than the sun and so are the benefits – for if Jesus was not at the center, the world would fall a part. All things hold together in and through Christ (Colossians 1:17).

Scripture says that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Every good story has a good beginning, and God’s has quite a dramatic start indeed! This story, God’s story, couldn’t be more important because it includes everything we see- the earth, oceans, stars and sun. God’s story puts God at the middle of the universe so there is no question that He alone is the powerful Creator and Lord of everything.

If that is true, then too often we present Jesus as an option. “Who would you like to place your faith in?” “Do you want Jesus or another god or no god?” It’s your choice.

The question is not a question of preference or modality like a candle, flashlight or sunlight. Only God has the power to bring light and life. The question is, if Jesus is Lord of the Universe, will you acknowledge Him and receive his benefits?

When Jesus is seen as He truly is, why wouldn’t we want Him who holds all things to be at the center? Imagine the chaos if he stopped. This is why the Psalmist gladly proclaims, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits” (Psalm 103:5). Our worship is a natural response to understanding the significance of God’s centrality.


Who is taking out the trash?


Iywand to Love god